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Getting Over It

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How good are you at reaching your goals? Are you stubborn and stoic enough to keep trying even if you fail time after time? You’ll surely have a chance to improve those skills playing Getting Over It!

The hardest arcade ever

In this hellishly tough and conceptually absurd arcade, you control a quirky character stuck in a cauldron, armed with nothing but a sledgehammer. Your goal? To climb a mountain using only the power of your hammer swings and sheer determination. Spoiler – it’s going to be a nightmare!

Getting Over It will take you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. One moment, you’ll be making progress, scaling the mountain with graceful swings and feeling like a gaming god. The next moment, you’ll find yourself tumbling all the way back to the bottom, cursing the universe and questioning your life choices.

Strive for perfection and get to the top!

Prepare for mind-boggling physics and leaps challenging the very gravity that will leave you in awe or downright flabbergasted. You’ll encounter impossible obstacles, treacherous ledges, and infuriatingly narrow pathways. Every step forward is a triumph, and every setback is a lesson in perseverance. So start your journey and don’t give up!

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