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People Playground

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Have you already tried People Playground? It’s a game that pushes the boundaries of what you thought was possible. From explosive carnage to bizarre accidents, it doesn’t hold back in delivering jaw-dropping moments that will have you gasping in disbelief or bursting into uncontrollable laughter!

Pixels that kind of bite

Although People Playground is just pixels on the outside, it can actually provide for some truly crazy and unpredictable gameplay. The controls are nothing complicated, so it’s easy to dive headlong into the quirky world of mayhem and let your imagination run wild. The deliberately simplified graphics makes it look like some retro console adventure which will surely remind you of the good old days when you just started discovering the fascinating world of gaming.

Embrace the madness and have fun!

So, gather your sense of mischief and prepare to embark on a journey filled with mind-bending physics, outrageous experiments, and endless rofls! People Playground is not just a game; it’s a place where chaos becomes your best friend and the laws of reality are nothing more than a suggestion. Let’s enjoy it!

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